Xin Lv, Ph.D.
Aurora Community Mental Health Center (Aurora, CO), 2019-2020. Now at Kaiser Permanente, San Jose, CA
Brianna Byllesby, Ph.D.
Cincinnati VA Medical Center (Cincinnati, OH), 2017-2018. Now at University of South Dakota
Meredith Claycomb Erwin, Ph.D.
Durham VA Medical Center (Durham, NC), 2017-2018. Now at Toledo VA Clinic
Michelle Roley-Roberts, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (Little Rock, AR), 2015-2016.
Now at Creighton University
Ateka Contractor, Ph.D.
Brown University Medical School Consortium (Providence, RI), 2014-2015.
Now at University of North Texas
Tracey Biehn, Ph.D.
Minneapolis VA Medical Center (Minneapolis, MN), 2013-2014.
Now at St. Cloud VA Medical Center
Kendra Ractliffe, Ph.D.
VA Palo Alto Healthcare System (Palo Alto, CA), 2012-2013.
Now at VA Palo Alto Healthcare System
Jordan Pekevski, Ph.D.
Cincinnati VA Medical Center (Cincinnati, OH), 2010-2011.
Now at Grand Junction VA Medical Center, Colorado
Ryan Engdahl, Ph.D.
Bay Pines VA Healthcare System (St. Petersburg, FL), 2010-2011.
Now at College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University, Minnesota
Jessica (Snyder) Klopper, Ph.D.
Norfolk Regional Center (Norfolk, NE), 2009-2010.
Now at Sioux Falls VA Medical Center
Ariel (Del Gaizo) Laudermith, Ph.D.
Maine VA Medical Center (Togus, ME), 2009-2010.
Now at the Hines VA Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Jamie Naifeh, Ph.D.
VA Maryland Healthcare System (Baltimore, MD), 2007-2008.
Now at Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Mary Long, Ph.D.
Charleston Consortium Psychology Internship Training Program (Charleston, SC), 2007-2008.
Brenda (Lindsay) Nour, Ph.D.
Colorado Mental Health Institute at Ft. Logan (Denver, CO), 2007-2008.
Now at Avera University Psychiatry Associates, Sioux Falls, SD
Andrea (Reeves) Hendricks, Ph.D.
Duke University Medical Center (Durham, NC), 2006-2007.
Now in Independent Practice, Birmingham, AL
* Dissertations and theses marked with “USD” were conducted at the University of South Dakota.
Advisees Completing an Undergraduate Honors Thesis
Nithya Sundar (2023). The relationships between emotion dysregulation, depression severity, and posttraumatic stress symptom severity proximately after traumatic exposure.
Alli Fisher (2020). Worry severity and anxiety sensitivity are associated with problematic smartphone usage in college-aged students.
Juanita Vasquez (2017). Depression and anxiety in relation to problematic smartphone use.
Shawna Brough (2016). Anger and rumination mediate relations between posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms.
Hanna Wutrick (2013). Prevalence changes for the new criteria for PTSD in DSM-5 among medical patients.
Megan Miller (2011). Changes in posttraumatic stress disorder's prevalence from using the proposed DSM-5 PTSD criteria.
(USD) Summer Voorhees (2007). Models of mental healthcare use in primary care patients.
(USD) Kim Schnider (2006). Trauma, grief and coping.
Advisees Completing a Master's Thesis
Josh Williams (2023). A latent profile analysis of problematic smartphone use items and associations with measures of generalized anxiety disorder, depression, distress tolerance, and trait mindfulness.
Rachel Bond (2023). The mediating effect of emotion regulation and social connectedness on the relationship between generalized anxiety disorder symptom severity and social smartphone usage.
Elyse Hutcheson (2023). Social(ly anxious) networking: Problematic social networking site use and fear of evaluation.
Abigail Dempsey (2019). Subscales of distress tolerance as mediators between severity of depression and anxiety with problematic smartphone use.
Nicole Christ (2018). Psychophysiological correlates of novel, negative emotional stimuli in trauma-exposed participants with PTSD symptoms.
Xin Lv (2017). The potential effects that alcohol use and depression severity have on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation.
Brianna Byllesby (2015). The relationship between the latent factors of posttraumatic stress disorder and distress tolerance.
Tory Durham (2014). Examining the moderating effects of anger between the latent factors of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression.
Tracey Biehn (2011). Does PTSD’s factor structure differ between veterans with and without a PTSD diagnosis?
(USD) Kendra Ractliffe (2010). The impact of rumination and behavioral inhibition and activation on PTSD symptom severity.
(USD) Ryan Engdahl (2008). Querying posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms with or without reference to a single worst traumatic event: Effects on PTSD’s factor structure.
(USD) Jordan Pekevski (2007). Posttraumatic stress and depression severity as correlates of health problems among medically ill Canadian peacekeeping veterans.
(USD) Jessica Snyder (2007). Extending the reliability and validity of the Trauma Symptom Inventory in a sample of veterans evaluated for posttraumatic stress disorder.
(USD) Brenda Lindsay (2005). Predictors of mental health or PTSD service utilization in a veteran sample.
(USD) Jamie Naifeh (2005). The influence of trauma type on Trauma Symptom Inventory profiles: Military veterans vs. crime victims.
(USD) Jim Butcher (2004). The effects of financial incentives on fabricating posttraumatic stress disorder using the Trauma Symptom Inventory.
(USD) Andrea Reeves (2004). Effects of simulating posttraumatic stress disorder comorbid with major depressive disorder on the Trauma Symptom Inventory.
(USD) Shannon Baugher (2004). Cautioning effects and malingering ability on the Trauma Symptom Inventory.
Advisees Completing a Doctoral Dissertation
Rachel Bond (2024). Investigating the relationships between anxiety symptoms and problematic smartphone use severity using emotion regulation and coping style as mediators: A structural equation modeling approach.
Elyse Hutcheson (2024). Exploring the mediating roles of affective states and mindful awareness in the relationship between social anxiety and problematic social networking site use: A structural equation modeling approach.
Caleb Hallauer (2023). Using machine learning to model problematic smartphone use severity from depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms.
Emily Rooney (2023). A machine learning approach to predicting nonsuicidal self-injury.
Abigail Dempsey (2022). Social belongingness, depression, and anxiety in association with problematic social networking site use: Investigating fear of missing out as a mediator.
Pallavi Babu (2022). Biological and psychosocial factors of cardiac rehabilitation adherence.
Xin Lv (2020). Structural relations between posttraumatic stress disorder’s 7-factor hybrid model and suicide capacity.
Nicole Christ (2020). The effect of cognitive-affective factors on PTSD and alcohol use symptoms: An investigation on rumination, suppression, and reappraisal.
Brianna Byllesby (2017). The moderating effects of emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between PTSD and anger.
Meredith Claycomb (2017). Cognitive vulnerabilities and comorbid conditions in trauma-exposed individuals: A latent profile analysis.
Tory Durham (2015). Moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as predictors of hostility and suicidal ideation in combat veterans.
Michelle Roley (2015). Predictors of the acquired capability for suicide among adolescent childhood trauma survivors.
Tracey Biehn (2013). Examining the underlying dimensions of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder using the proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.
Ateka Contractor (2013). Relations between PTSD and distress dimensions in an Indian child/adolescent sample following the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks.
(USD) Jessica (Snyder) Klopper (2010). Predictors of mental healthcare use among domestic violence survivors in shelters.
(USD) Ryan Engdahl (2009). A comparison of posttraumatic stress disorder’s symptom structure across deployed and non-deployed Canadian peacekeeping veterans with health-related disabilities.
(USD) Ariel Del Gaizo (2009). An analysis of the relationships among trauma, posttraumatic stress, health risk behaviors and physical health using the National Comorbidity Survey Replication data.
(USD) Jamie Naifeh (2008). An experimental examination of methods for linking trauma history endorsements to current PTSD symptom ratings.
(USD) Brenda Lindsay Nour (2007). Correlates of mental health care use intensity in adult primary care patients.
(USD) Andrea Reeves (2007). Barriers to and utilization of mental health care among overweight and obese medical patients.
(USD) Shannon Baugher (2007). Rape myth acceptance and sexual trauma history: An analysis of respondent characteristics.
(USD) Mary Long (2007). Differences in posttraumatic stress disorder symptom ratings between criterion A1 and non-criterion A1 stressors.
(USD) Jim Butcher (2007). Malingering strategies used to feign posttraumatic stress disorder on the Trauma Symptom Inventory.
Tory Durham, Ph.D.
VA Puget Sound, American Lake (Tacoma, WA), 2016-2017. Now at Seattle VA Medical Center